Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Week1 - Intro

I chose to SXU because one they offered me a scholarship and also my professor highly recommended the school. I feel it would be a great experience to be at such a big school with a larger artistic resource. Just from walking around the school and meeting with the faculty I feel there is a promising future for me here. Only time can tell what all will transpire while I am here, but I look to enjoy every minute of it. To better understand why I've enrolled at SXU, I have to discuss the road of how I got here.

In all honesty, I was not sure about going back to school after I received my Associates Degree in Art last May. During my time at Olive-Harvey many of my loved ones died from either sickness or gun violence. On top of that, my mother was very ill, so there were many hospital visits that became mentally draining. My mind was basically in whirlwind of confusion and artistically I felt drained. The pencil began to feel foreign to me, Illustrator and Photoshop was about as easy to understand as an Egyptian Hieroglyph. Even though art is my passion, I felt I no longer had a place within it. Instead of art being my comfort zone it began to be just work I had to do to graduate. Art went from my personal sanctuary to just assembly line work. Through all that I was able to graduate with honors, a feat I couldn't believe I could achieve due to the extreme circumstances that occurred. I have only God and my family to thank for this accomplishment.

I look forward to my time at SXU to help re-ignite the flame and desire that I once had for art. I also take responsibility in knowing that it is up to me to maintain the burning of that flame/passion, so that I may reach my potential. I look not to be an over-night success, but a work in progress striving to achieve excellence. In loving God I know my life is not my own; I hope to be an inspiration to others as much as they will be to me.